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UAE's Social Bandage appreciates Bikers Café's support | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on May 28,2013 in

UAE’s Social Bandage appreciates Bikers Café’s support

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Mrs. Aisha SaeedHarib of Social Bandage and Mrs. Ayesha Husaini, Director of Manzil School for Special Needs, organized an event at Bikers Café yesterday. Guests included Mr. Khalifa Binhendi, Mr. Ricky Hussain and a few children from the Manzil School. All the guests, the kids especially, were thrilled to be at the café and enjoyed the specially prepared breakfast. The event was organized at Bikers Café to thank Mr. Khalid Bin Hadher for all the support he had given them, with Social Bandage and the kids gifting him art and paintings.

Meera Al Marzouki
Fuad Mahmood
Samy Khalil
Zainab Ibrahim
Tahsin Nawer
Mohammed Uzayr Tanveer
Mohammad Chandra

Mrs. Veenali Jhaveri
Mrs. Reeja Mole Manichandran
Mrs. Aisha
Mrs. Seema

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