Yoshimura R-55 GP Style Slip-On Exhaust
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Bringing MotoGP style to the street, the R-55 takes Yoshimura’s legendary exhaust building experience and condenses it give the sportbike rider power in a lightweight, stylish package. Using a tapered trapezoidal shape finished off in either carbon fibre or stainless steel, the MotoGP look has never been better.
The Yoshimura R-55 GP Style Slip-On Exhaust adds an aggressive, distinctive look. Low center of gravity design system features Yoshimura’s most advanced R&D design. TIG-welded to Yoshimura quality standards, the product’s dual internal mufflers keep decibel levels down without sacrificing power cone-style end cap screams performance.
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Tags: Japan lifestyle Performance Products yoshimura stainless steel carbon fibre r55 slip n exhaust