
Posted on Jun 04,2014 in Custom

Retro Wrench » ’65 Triumph TR6SC

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Good things come to those who wait, they say. Donny Greene and the boys in Louisville, Kentucky-based Retro Wrench used to keep a watchful eye on the classifieds and, when a typical neglected project chopper/digger project popped up on Craigslist, they had to get it. It was a 1965 Triumph TR6 that hadn’t seen use since the early Nineties. Upon further inspection, they found matching serial numbers to prove it was a limited edition “SC” racer – also known as the “Desert Sled” – built at Johnson Motors in Southern California and TriCor in Baltimore.

Firstly, the Harley peanut tank and ape hanger handlebars were chucked out to get the bike back to its racing roots. The bike came fitted with a belt driven ARD magneto and with a few parts and a complete rewire, the electrical system was back up and running. The motor too wasn’t in very bad shape, which meant they sorted it out with rebuilt carbs, new gaskets and other stuff.

The H-D tank was swapped with a Yamaha T1 piece, narrowed by an inch and a half and cut on the bottom to clear the engine, with the ACME cartoon bomb oil tank was shaved of all gauges and brackets, cut and welded back together to clear the fender and chain. The pearlescent paint job was done in-house, with Josh at Culver Customs doing the pinstripes. The bars were dropped beneath the shortened girder forks and cut narrow for lane splitting. Setting off the looks are 21″ dirt bike front wheel and knobby, as well as a custom seat and fender built to highlight the bike’s original old school sissy bar.

via Pipeburn

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