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Ducati unveils limited edition 1199 Superleggera | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Oct 26,2013 in Ducati

Ducati unveils limited edition 1199 Superleggera

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Ducati has introduced its latest limited edition dream model, the exclusive 1199 Superleggera. The new machine combines a precious cocktail of materials such as titanium, magnesium and carbon fibre to set the highest power-to-weight ratio of any production motorcycle. Producing more than 200hp and weighing-in at just 155kg dry, Ducati showcase their innovative engineering and stylish approach to design, while affirming the maxim: “Authentic Italian Performance”. The 1199 Superleggera has been offered first to owners of the Desmosedici RR or R version Superbikes, giving them the right of first refusal to purchase the the new model. Its success has exceeded all expectations; currently, 75% of the 500 examples which will be produced, have already been sold. Scroll down for the massive image gallery.

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