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Bolivia's Road of Death to Coroico | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Nov 18,2013 in Adventure

Bolivia’s Road of Death to Coroico

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This is an intro to the joy and adventure of riding motorcycles from La Paz, Bolivia up and over the Andes to the semi-tropical Yungas region on the world’s most dangerous Road, aka the Road of Death to Coroico. If you have ever thought much about pushing your own limits – physical and mental – we suggest you check out the video then go to Bolivia and ride it yourself. Check out Adventure Moto Bolivia.

AdventureMotoBolivia is an arm of Explore Bolivia, a tour operator in existence since 1994. The company is owned by La Paz-born Sergio Ballivian and has over 25+ years of organized adventures, true expeditions, film & video services for documentaries and a lust for remote corners – seen by very few outsiders and often less by the locals.

Many of their trips are based on loop circuits where they range from a few hours to a few days, taking advantage of accommodations in far-off districts with outstanding geographical appeal throughout the journey. The question is, how much adventure do you want, how much can you handle and how much time do you have? The guys have everything from easy paved roads to well-maintained gravel/dirt roads and many 4×4 sections. There are also single-lane trails that climb up to the base-camps of many peaks that are above 20,000 ft. The base-camps average is 14,000ft, but then again, they have passes to go as high as 16,500ft, depending on the route.

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