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Weird » Megola Motorcycle | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jun 11,2014 in Germany

Weird » Megola Motorcycle

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Pretty high on the weirdness factor, the Megola was a German motorcycle produced between 1921 and 1925 in Munich. Like Bimota (which stands for Bianchi, Morri and Tamburini), the name is derived from its designers Meixner, Cockerell and Landgraf.


At 14hp, power output was meagre, but it was sent straight to the wheel as the Megola lacked both a clutch and a transmission! Starting it required a person to either spin the front wheel while the bike was on its stand, or to push-start. That said, top speed was around 85km/h, resulting in a win at the German Championship in 1924, while later, sportier models were said to be capable of 140km/h.

A total of 2000 Megolas were built. In 1935, there was an attempt by a group of engineers to make an improved version, the Killinger and Freund Motorcycle, but World War II put an end to their plans.

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