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Custom Ducati 749 by South Garage Motorcycles | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jun 30,2014 in Classic

Custom Ducati 749 by South Garage Motorcycles

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Ducati’s distinctive 749, while not the prettiest of motorcycles, was nonetheless penned by the great Pierre Terblanche, and even shared quite a number of components with the 999. Suffice to say that very few builders have attempted to modify a 749, as it’s not very well suited for the job, apart from the fact that it’s an unusual choice. Enter South Garage Motorcycles, who have poured numerous hours of sweat and passion into building this stunning custom Ducati motorcycle, which they have lovingly dubbed Meravigliosa Creatura (or Wonderful Creature).

The donor 749 was stripped for that ever-stylish minimalist look, with the front sporting a classic round headlight and the narrow tail receiving a vintage cafe racer-ish taillight. Topping off this custom Ducati build is a one-off fuel tank and custom 2-in-1 exhaust, along with a stunning silver and candy red paint job by Ivan Design. Let us know what you think in the comments!

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