
Posted on Aug 10,2014 in Australia

Custom Yamaha SR400 by Deus Ex Machina

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Spending a good part of its life in a Queensland shed collecting dust and rust, Deus Ex Machina’s little Yamaha SR400 was given a new start at the hands of Camperdown head mechanic Jeremy. Starting with a top to bottom engine rebuild, the bike was cleaned and trimmed up. The frame was finished in a classic black powder coat, blasting every nut and bolt, and fitted with a KLX swingarm and new Gazi shocks.

Finally, it was given a tracker look with an oversized Kedo oil pump, custom headlight mounted with custom headlight number plate, duck tail tracker seat cowl, custom-made pipes with a Super Trap muffler, Fork brace mounting the front fender, Mini speedo and K180 Dunlop tyres. The tank and seat cowl were treated to a fresh lick of paint as well. With custom surf racks fitted, this smirky custom Yamaha SR400 looks like it’s laughing all the way to the beach. Comments?

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