
Posted on Aug 12,2014 in Custom

How to ruin a Harley-Davidson » Ueli Anliker

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Ueli Anliker is a Swiss man with a taste for anything in red and gold. So he’s got everything from exotic cars, motorcycles, yachts, a club and whatever else you could think of covered in that rather gawdy combination. As a perfect example of reinforcing the ideology that money does not buy taste, he even has a red and gold decorated museum for displaying his red and gold machinery. A Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren was visually laid waste by him a while ago, and was doing the round on the interwebs, but this one – aptly named the Big Red Lady – just came to our attention. The stock Harley-Davidson V-Rod, which looked almost perfect to start with, has been endowed with a fairing that covers most of it, along with a moulded seat and the usual red paint with a sprinking of what seems like gold dust. If you’d like to see more of Ueli Anliker’s ‘work’, head over to his red and gold website.

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