
Posted on Aug 18,2014 in Chopper

World of Warcraft Horde Chopper

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World of Warcraft fans, rejoice! You’ll be seeing this utterly badass horde chopper based on the winning design from the Azeroth Choppers web series. The winner was announced recently on the World of Warcraft blog, with the Horde team taking the win by vote count. Fans from all around the world were able to participate in voting. The chopper will be launched in the World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor expansion, which is scheduled to be released later this year.

World Of Warcraft Horde Chopper Azeroth 4

The Azeroth Choppers web series kicked off in April this year and finished with eight episodes. Paul Teutul Jr., one of the stars of American reality television series American Chopper and co-founder of Orange County Choppers, assembled two handpicked teams of bike experts to bring to life a pair of asphalt-kicking chopper designs inspired by the massively multiplayer online RPG’s two warring factions. Joining each crew on their epic quest are members of the World of Warcraft development team, on board to help to infuse the essence of the Horde and the Alliance into each bike. Log in to the game between now and September 30, 2014 and your account will be automatically flagged to receive the World of Warcraft Horde chopper upon the release of the upcoming Warlords of Draenor expansion.

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