
Posted on Oct 16,2014 in Gaming

MotoGP 14 Video Game

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MotoGP 14 returns with an overhauled and improved graphics engine. New game modes, all the riders from the 2014 and 2013 seasons and legendary riders from the history of MotoGP give you the chance to live the dream of being an actual rider. Available on Xbox 360, Windows PC, Steam, PlayStation3, PlayStation Vita and on PlayStation4.

The 2014 version receives three new offline game modes, an online mode, an enhanced Career and tons of new content.

Offline Game Modes:
Re-living the most exciting event of the past season (2013) has never been so simple thanks to the offline game’s mode Real Events 2013, where the player can put himself into the last season rider’s shoes and experience an intense challenge. But that’s is far from enough, thanks to Challenge Champions where can re-race 17 events inspired by the real ones from the Champions Riders that made the MotoGP history. At last, one of the most community requested feature has arrived: Safety Car. In an ad hoc game’s mode, it will be possible to drive the safety car on all the official MotoGP 14 tracks.

Online Game Modes:
The MotoGP 14 online multiplayer will see not only the return of Sprint Season introduced for the first time last year, but also the brand new Split Battle. This new highly competitive mode, allows players to race against each other to achieve the best split time and overtake them for a bunch of seconds.

This year, the career foundation laid in the 2013 version has improved by putting the player right at the center of the game, with even more autonomy than before. A great Helmet View, the chance to customize the bike’s setting or to upgrade it with several pre-set packages, tutorials and virtual environments more realistic and dynamic, will allow the players to experience the real life scenario of a MotoGP Rider.

Rider Experience (Career mode): Rider experience mode brings a new, different experience to the MotoGP world. This is the road to become a great MotoGP rider, beginning from the lower class, Moto3 and going ahead through the Moto2, winning races, changing teams with different and prestigious supporting sponsor. The following aspects are included in the career mode: Press, Fans and Social Networks. Every rider has his own fans army! They update their mood and opinions about you. News and social feeds are always under your radar appearing in each menu page. CREATE YOUR RIDER You starts the journey by editing your virtual rider. The rider is fully customizable: from Name, Surname, Riding Styles, Face, Nickname to helmets and suits. UPGRADE YOUR BIKE During the season, in some special test sessions, you have to test new bike components that the team makes available in order to improve the team bike performance.

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