
Posted on Oct 18,2014 in Bikers Cafe

Jumeirah Cruisin’ at Bikers Café » The Best Yet!

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jumeirah cruisin bikers cafe dubai

With the summer dying down, Bikers Café hosted the season’s first Jumeirah Cruisin’, which kicked off at 6PM on Friday. Cars started coming in as early as 3PM, and there were over 100 cars by the time the live BBQ began at 7PM.

jumeirah cruisin bikers cafe dubai

Alongside the beautiful classic cars, tuned rides, 4x4s and custom motorcycles, there were a lot of familiar faces in the crowd. Hundreds of people were hanging out all over the venue, chatting, taking photos, and checking out the cars and bikes on display, appreciating the custom exteriors, interiors and engine bay mods. The winner of our ‘Dine and Win a Vespa’ also came down to receive his prize.

jumeirah cruisin bikers cafe dubai

The live BBQ was the perfect way to end the evening, with people even enjoying their meal sitting on the pavement near the bikes, enjoying the atmosphere and chatting to each other; it felt like an informal dinner gathering with everyone absolutely chilled out. This was one of the best jumeirah Cruisin events till date, and we hope to make it even bigger and better next time!

jumeirah cruisin bikers cafe dubai

We would like to thank Arabian Offroad, Stance Kitchen, Classic Mini Club, Camaro Club, Gulf Classic Cars, Lamborghini, Yamaha, Duseja Moto, Flybike and all the wonderful participants who made this a successful event.

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