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Milano Lounge Chair by Andy Gregg | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Dec 10,2014 in Design

Milano Lounge Chair by Andy Gregg

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Andy Gregg is a professional bike mechanic, who has worked in several shops since he was 14. Keen on fine arts and photography, Andy used to spend a lot of time around bikes, and in bike shops, and was reluctant to discard what he perceived as a potential resource. And yes, he loves bicycle wheels and tyres, as you can see from this gorgeous Milano Lounge Chair, a direct descendant of the first chair made by Andy in 1990.


It is a low-slung, comfortable chair, and the forms of that first chair were inspired by the alternate beauty of a crashed bike, and the ‘potato chip’ form that a collapsed wheel takes. Check out Andy’s work on Bike Furniture.

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