
Posted on Jan 25,2015 in Art

Breva Génie 03 Speedmeter

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There are plenty of watches that can help you calculate your speed using distance and time, but only the Breva Genie 03 Speedmeter can give you your speed at a glance. Apparently, this is the world’s first-ever wristwatch with a functional speedometer. Prior to the appearance of this timepiece, watches could only calculate speed by using an engraved scale marked in miles or kilometres per hour, using the sweep second hand or chronograph functions to calculate the speed against a measured mile or kilometre. While this would satisfy certain requirements, it was not a “real-time” indication with constant refreshing.

brava genie 03 speedometer

Génie 03 is fitted with a patented “instant speed” scientific measurement mechanism, with a proprietary extrusion mechanism that creates a unique look. When extended to indicate the speed, it stands 6mm above the face of the watch. Within the Titanium G5 extrusion mechanism, comprised of 45 components, are hemispherical special alloy Robinson cups, in the manner of an anemometer. The classic device for measuring wind speed, it has been adapted in Génie 03 to display speeds of 20 to 200 km/hour or 10 to 125 mph.

brava genie 03 speedometer

When worn on the wrist of a cyclist, motorcyclist, speedboat operator or automobilist, with wrist exposed to the moving air, Génie 03 will indicate the speed with a red hand, against printed inner speed indexes and an engraved lacquered field for the external speed scale on the speedmeter bezel. Its readings are instantaneous and require no calculating on the part of the user, nor does the watch need the user to locate a measured mile or kilometre.

The Breva Génie 03 Speedometer is water resistant to 30 metres, with speedometer open or closed, and dust resistant even with the speedometer active.

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