
Posted on Feb 22,2015 in Design

Full-Size Plastic Motorcycle Kits

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Founded by Peter Manning, an experienced designer and innovator, Full Size Kits is a company set up to design, produce and market a range of…well…full-size plastic motorcycle kits. Currently, only the Route 66 Classic is available – inspired by classic American motorcycles from the Sixties – but the company plans to add a Triumph Bonneville, Manx Norton and a classic Vespa scooter in the future.


The plastic kits have over 180 vacuum-formed parts and are the ‘actual size of the real motorcycle,’ according to the Somerset-based company. Weighing about 16 kilos, the motorcycle can be assembled by two people and have a ‘sit-on’ feature that allows you to carefuly rest on the saddle for photographs. Priced at GBP 525 (or slightly less than AED 3000) per kit, the question is, would you buy it?

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