
Posted on Feb 26,2015 in Photography

Leica M-P Set Safari

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The Leica M-P Set SAFARI comprises of the Leica M-P (Type 240) Safari edition, Leica Summicron-M 35mm/f2 ASPH with round metal lens hood, a full grain cowhide carrying strap and matching SD & business card holder.


Leica’s safari/olive edition cameras dates back to 1960 with the Leica M1 ‘Olive‘. Made initially for the military, the safari/olive cameras’ unique colour stands out. Over the years, a handful of safari/olive editions were produced. Many of these limited edition cameras are highly prized collectibles.


The Leica M-P Set SAFARI has an olive lacquered top cover, leatherette and bottom plate. The shutter speed dial, the On/Off switch, the release button, the hot shoe and some other details have a silver finish. The engraving on the top cover is reminiscent of the first safari camera in 1960 and has the classic Leica logo inscribed on one line and the wording ‘WETZLAR GERMANY’ on the second line. The 35mm /f2 ASPH has a silver chrome finish with a matching classic round metal lens hood. This set comes in a new packaging including a presentation box.

There are 1500 sets available worldwide. You can pre-order them here.

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