
Posted on Jun 03,2015 in Safety Products

Dainese D-air Armor

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Dainese revealed the D-air Armor, the “open platform” air-bag based on D-air technology. This innovative system is the result of over 15 years research by D-Tec (Dainese Technology Centre) into the air-bag technology of air. D-air® Armor is a racing suit’s undergarment featuring an integrated D-air Air-Bag. The undergarment back protector houses the whole protection system – the electronics, the gas generator, the wiring, the battery and the GPS.

dainese d-air armor

Dainese D-air Armor represents a genuine milestone in the diffusion of electronic Air-Bag technology in the World Championship series. Thanks to D-air Armor, all riders can now take advantage of the safety provided by D-Air, the same technology used by all official Dainese riders. Vircos and Furygan will be the first to adopt the new Dainese technology. D-air Armor will protect Michele Pirro and Mattia Pasini (Vircos), as well as Mike Di Meglio, Johann Zarco and Sam Lowes (Furygan).

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