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Infento Constructible Rides | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Nov 22,2015 in Bicycle

Infento Constructible Rides

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Infento is the first in the world to develop a kit for families that lets them build real constructible rides together. You only need one kit and one hex key to create unlimited rides for their whole childhood. From toddler to teenager. From a walker, scooter, tricycle, bicycle, go-kart, skibock to a sledge and more. Infento’s modular parts allow endless possibilities.

Co-founder Spencer Rotting is a volunteer for a Dutch youth organization and there he came up with the idea to organize a race for kids with rides they’ve helped to build. The kids loved building real stuff and they were really creative with the material that was available. Now what would be possible with truly multi-functional and multi-adjustable parts? Just like Lego and Meccano. But then life size. Spencer shared this powerful idea with Sander Letema, his brother in law. Sander immediately got very enthusiastic about the potential. They both had their own companies in design and graphics at the time, but they felt so confident about this concept that they started Infento. Nothing like Infento existed, so they had to design and invent every part and component themselves. Their background in design helped them to tackle the challenge to create multi-functional parts that also look beautiful together when assembled into a ride.

Junior Kit
With this kit, you can build 6 rides for little ones between 0 and 5 years old. The rides in the Junior Kit will teach your child how to walk, bicycle, steer and move. You can build a walker, balance trike, balance carrier, scooter, balance bike and a tricycle.


Wallaby can help your toddler learn how to walk. It is Infento’s version of a walker. Your child can put his stuffed animal or other cargo in the casket and take it for a walk. You can adjust how smooth the wheels go round yourself. This way your child never goes to fast or slow and will stay in an upright position.


Rider is a balance trike that can teach your child how to steer and to know what if feels like if you move with more speed. You can ride inside the house and outside on the street. The very cool and unique part of Rider? Another child can stand on the back and can go along for the ride.


Have you ever seen a balance carrier? Well now you have. Transport anything with Transporter. Your brother or sister, your stuffed animal, favorite dinosaur, you name it. Hop on the seat, grab the steer, make speed and take just about anything for a spin.


Skitter is a fast and good looking scooter. It’s incredibly strong and steers very smoothly. You only feel the wind and hear nothing while riding because of the ball bearings in the wheels. You prefer two wheels in the back for easier handling? No problem, just add another wheel from the Junior Kit on the back, et voila!


Construct Balancer and let your child know how to keep balance and understand the concept of steering towards the direction of where you’re falling in stead of against. With the balance bike, your child is ready for a bicycle in no time. The seat is adjustable in every way possible. Height, distance to the steer and angle of the seat. Very handy if your child decides to grow a few centimeters.


Two childs on one tricycle? Double the fun. Trivelo makes it happen! The seat is adjustable in height to ensure the perfect position. Attach a board between the wheels on the back and another child can grab the shoulders of the driver and ride along.

Creator Kit
With the Creator Kit, you will be able to build 9 unique rides. For whom is this kit? If your kid is 4 years or older you can build the Arrow, Runner and B-Trike.The Creator Kit is a big kit with many parts and this means that if your kid is still a toddler you can also build all the 6 rides from the Junior Kit.


Take the B out of B-Trike and let your kids be the Boss with this awesome new ride. It’s pedal driven, works with a hand brake system and a safe rubber to ensure maximum comfort and safety for your child.


Be as swift as an arrow with this cool new ride. Show your skills on this reversed tricycle while maintaining maximum comfort and maximum safety. There’s nothing wrong with a little showing off.


The runner is an excellent downhill race monster. With a shock-absorber and a handbrake, you can adjust your speed to your liking and still ride comfortably as the shocks are absorbed.

Master Creator Kit
Master Creator is Infento’s biggest kit. With this kit, you will be able to build 11 rides. You and your child will have their whole childhood fun building and riding. From 0 till 13 years. And this with just one kit.The Master Creator Kit introduces you to 2 new rides: the Bulldog and the Swing.


Do not worry, this Bulldog won’t bite. Instead it will transport your child anywhere in style. With a safe hand brake system and a rubber tooth belt, your child will be in no danger while riding this awesome ride. Build this Bulldog and let your kid be the one who let the dogs out!


Lean back and drive around with class. This recumbent tricycle looks awesome and will really spark the creativity of your child. The riding position and steering are truly something different, in a very positive way. The hand brake system and rubber tooth belt ensure maximum safety for your child.

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