
Posted on Dec 02,2015 in Bicycle

Jay Leno’s Garage » Vintage Electric Bikes

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Andrew Davidge started Vintage Electric Bikes in high school and now, four years later, he and Jay are cruising the Cruz and E-Tracker!

Both the E-Tracker and the classic California cruiser draw their inspiration from the American Art Deco movement and the outlawed board-track motorcycles of the early 1900s. Offering the same performance as the E-Tracker, the CRUZ feature a top speed of 58km/h in race mode. Regenerative breaking, coupled with Shimano Alfine hydraulic disk brakes, provides riders with stop-on-a-dime control. In the same fashion as its counterpart, the CRUZ’s top-caliber components include a sandcast aluminium battery box, powerful LED lighting, Phil-Wood front hub, and a Brooks England Ltd leather saddle and grips. A powerful 52-volt battery gives the CRUZ 48km of ride capability and requires minimal charge time – it takes just two hours to fully recharge.

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