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Gibbs Biski | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on Jan 02,2016 in Lifestyle

Gibbs Biski

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While amphibious cars might not be a novelty anymore, water-faring motorcycles definitely are. Michigan-based Gibbs shows the new Biski Amphibious Motorcycle, which serves as a regular, if a bit chubby, two-wheeler on tarmac, and as a speedy jetski on the water. Powering the Biski is a two-cylinder petrol engine that makes 55hp, good for top speeds of nearly 130km/h on land and 60km/h on water.

The Gibbs Biski features a custom dual-jet system for on-water propulsion, has both road and marine navigation lighting, and converts between its two modes in less than 10 seconds.

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