Posted on May 07,2016 in Bultaco

Bultaco expands Brinco line-up

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The Brinco now boasts a big family. And, as in any family, each member has his own personality and different needs and tastes, while sharing common DNA: fun, passion, a penchant for innovation and being different.

Brinco R
The Brinco R is Bultaco’s sportiest, non street-certified version, the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy rides on private trails and tracks, along with high-performance features, with its powerful motor and motorcycle frame and shock absorption bearing the Bultaco seal. The Brinco R boasts a PRO suspension system with an adjustable inverted fork featuring a spectacular 180mm of travel on the front wheel, and 217mm on the rear, along with high-performance tyres allowing riders to head anywhere they want.


The motor is the same on all the Brincos. With maximum power of 2kW and a top speed of 60km/h, it packs the capacity to take you anywhere, and its energy can be dosed out using its three different riding modes – Sport, Tour and Eco. The electric motor’s power is supplied by a powerful, highly durable 1.3kWh Lithium-Ion battery that weighs just 1.5 kilos and can be completely recharged in only three hours using a household outlet. The battery life on the Brincos will depend on what mode they are used in, ranging from 50km, in Sport mode, to over 100km, in ECO mode.

Brinco R-E
The street-certified version of the Brinco R, the R-E retains all the features of the former, but can be ridden without any restrictions. It is the all-purpose Brinco par excellence: though it can be taken off-road, it can also be ridden on public streets, in both city and in the country. The R-E is the Brinco for those who love off-roading and sporty features, but don’t want to give up using it for all kinds of riding, on all types of terrain.


The Brinco R-E differs aesthetically from the Brinco R in that it includes everything needed for use on urban roads, such as a rear view mirror, rear mudguard with a license plate mount, headlight (LED with automatic ignition sensor) and reflectors; rear, side, and on the pedals, as well as rear and brake lights, a side kickstand and the requisite horn.

Brinco C
While the most advanced riders will be able to take full advantage of Bultaco products, the company wants all kinds of riders to enjoy a Brinco. That said, the Brinco C is the perfect choice for those looking for more leisurely rides in the country, without any need for the most high-performance features. The Brinco C features a more comfortable riding position than the R and the R-E, thanks to its lowered seat (50mm lower than the R, R-E), comfortable touring handlebars (10mm wider and with a more ergonomic design). The suspension systems, on the Brinco C dubbed “Comfort,” feature 150mm of travel, front and rear, rather than the 180mm on the R and R-E, up front, and the 270mm in back.


The Brinco C is a version certified for all kinds of use. Equipped with fewer of the sportiest features, it is more accessible for riders of all types and sizes. The perfect choice for fun rides in and outside the city. It is easily distinguished from the rest of the line by its unique green and yellow, along with all the components required for its certification, as described above.

Brinco S
The Brinco’s “urbanite” is branded with the letter S, for “Street”, and offers two colour combinations, in black and white. The Brinco S sacrifices nothing in terms of its sturdiness, quality, features and prestige. The product’s philosophy is exactly the same – 100% fun – but its technical solutions are designed for riding in the city with reference to its features and the comfort it delivers. This is the Brinco for those looking to get around the city combining the exercise of pedalling with the energy from its powerful motor, or to enjoy a weekend ride, or for a fun ride to work. The Brinco S is designed for more city-bound users: a comfort-oriented suspension, 150mm of travel, front and rear, in this case on road wheels with 24″ rims and studless tyres.


The Brinco S is undoubtedly the Brinco offering the highest level of comfort in the line, with a lower seat (50mm) and comfortable touring handlebars (10mm wider than on the R/R-E, and with optimized ergonomics) – like on the Brinco C – and it is also equipped with a comfort-oriented seat, standard.

Whether it’s the sportiest or the most comfortable Brinco, they’re all equipped with exceptional connectivity, a digital display providing access to the Biker Manager, a Bluetooth connection to enjoy GPS technology, an NFC keyless start system, and access via the Bultaco APP to all the necessary information services, from locating the Brinco, to the battery level, to distances and routes covered, etc. This APP will be available starting in September.

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