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Velomacchi Speedway Gloves | Bikers Cafe|Bikers Cafe


Posted on May 09,2016 in Apparel

Velomacchi Speedway Gloves

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An innovative new hybrid glove based on a classic architecture. Velomacchi Speedway Gloves are inspired by the hand-built, classic flat track and road racing gloves from the 60’s and 70’s worn by such legends as Kenny Roberts, Eddie Lawson and Ray Carroll.


With buttery soft deerskin palms for maximum control and dexterity and goatskin backs with TPR rubber finger guards, these gloves promise to give you the comfort and protection to explore backroads and fire trails in style. They also feature reinforced brass rivets on the outer impact zone, conductive tips on the index finger and thumb for using touch screens, and secure Velcro closures.

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